
cnn of the sacred huge

The Wei whip Shao moment changes into dust under the irradiation of saint light, empress half part successively the inch break.
And those original dispersals are most darned the knight or dead or wound is at the bishops of wood green mountain surroundings and saint palace, but drive once Pope's ground record to greatly reply a dollar Shu to save to live, afresh bringing to life of these people, on the contrary surround a wood green mountain among them.
Momentary, various light ball,cnn, light pillar, bright Fu body Shu and bright and slow Shu, the huge sword, huge ax and pure steel chain ball of the saint palace knights ground, silvery long gun,google, the whole amount hurtles a wood green mountain, a bone brain kills into.
The wood green mountain deeply absorbed an one breath, don't avoid not to let and all over the body and up and down and in a twinkling appear a regiment to show off eyes gold the long grass protect a body, the fire dances saint to only annoy gold first grade crest the pass launch with all strength, face to face carry on the shoulder next all attacks.
Numerous saint light ball, saint light the pillar shoot on the body, however just the body form swayed in a flash, those come from a saint palace knight ground the knife gun ax Ji's cutting on the body is painful not harm, however all of these people's strength is bright to fasten of, cut body up, that kind of be purified of the fellings is also really a bit not great.
Stand on the step above of an among those the bitter monk step first half to tread, Gao raises hand arm and rubs to point into knife and acrosses several steps and strongly flicks to fall.
BE together condensed by pure saint dint but become of the sacred huge sword get empty downfall from the half, malicious cut win the shoulders of wood green mountain, a Pei however Mo Di's bright dint Zhi roast whole body, the gold first grade of the wood green mountain fire dance saint light the spirit finally arrive to can not hold up against and protect body spirit vigorously to collapse completely, can not keep on dropping into from the step.
See this peculiar strong enemy withdraw in defeat, step on of saint palace the knights together the voice halloo and only gleam on saint of the battle armor of silver color, the morale greatly flaps, more than ten Cardinal common Shi Fa, combine the attack dint of several saint palace knights at a , is flicked ax by the strongest knight of an among those to cut, is together cooperated by eight saint palace knights but of silver white only knife certainly if the dynasty step that rushes thunder under of the wood green mountain make track for.
Listens to bomb however 1 explode to ring, step under smoke and dust rise everywhere, many grounds a big pit.Just the power of this shot was iner no case lousy than step the saint sword of that bitter monk adult to cut above.
Garrison Peter cathedral's local bishop of saint even still just step side up secretly and lightly sigh, "alas!Led today, again many follower of a religions of Vatican one maintained a place fee."
Smoke and dust gradually spreads to go, step under big pit the center, a handsome young man slowly the station keep a body, beaming with smiles Song shrug shoulders, body ascend already ground become the clothes of cloth a pull down, then clap to clap the dust on the knee, sigh a tone way:"Is ashamed, game time stops here!"
Right against the face blow to come to a burst of light breeze, imitate Buddha careless sweep saint square of Peter cathedral, thoroughly blew about smoke and dust of at the same time, various person in the saint court saw the prospects of one act oddity.
The thin aureate fire dances saint light to annoy to no longer scatter whole body, but automatically partially flows out concentration to the body vital part and the joint and annoy strength of color also more and more deep, finally became a to have ferocious and sharp purple burning battle armor.
"Good heavens!Is a Dou spirit Kai to turn?"A saint palace knight sends out surprised shout, Dou spirit Kai's turning is the end incomparable skill of bright saint knight and concentrate the whole body Dou spirit control to a few key parts, although lowered certain defense dint,attackstone dint but can be several to promote, kill to harm dint astonishing.But why the Kai of this oriental turn a meeting is deep purple color, oneself canned not know.
The of course not used by wood green mountain is the bright knight's Dou the spirit Kai turn, but fire dance the saint only annoy of end edition, purple burning class fire dance saint light spirit.
Got into the fire dance of this stage saint only spirit, already Ning gasify Kai, return falsely still actually, have already been much more than pure Wu Xue's state, but the performance that goes into the territory of inborn.
With oneself of inside the dint is push, absorb world vitality Na to body inside, form the true spirit of high density, after the most complicated heart method calculation, will really annoy density to compress into entity,Facebook, finally carry out Kai to turn.
Wear the wood green mountain of purple Kai as if an evil absolute being sort stand still before teaching the court various human face, although the feet next move Wei that hasn't move,BE brought by this variety presses,the feet next move Wei that hasn't move,BE brought by this variety has already deeply reflected to go into deep place of all hearts of low rank priests.
Imitate Buddha's careless sort with hand at after the neck touched touch and re- drew out a rambling rose whip, the in a flash was then long to go to four meters much long, still take on the whip a wisp of light purple burning, have a liking for the pole of stabbing the eye.
Teaching the court various person hasn't there been any action, wood green mountain once the wrist tremble, this takes a purple burning rambling rose whip to collapse straightly, if the arrows generally sells but, keep shotting into step on of Pope Kai the thou pull Si three a life times.
The whip copies to really go to too quickly and wear by extremely sudden and swift power over-weight heavy shadow of human figure, the saint palace of the step knight and the Cardinals too late respond, in a twinkling then the Mao went to Pope his majesty in front.
The CASIO stride in four bitter monks comes forward, the stretching hand of lightning flash sort pulls and drags whip Shao, who know this long whip unexpectedly general like the living creature, on anti- book this bitter monk of arm, subsequently stick up all over.
Of a short moment, purple of the flame is rampant, Ran time whole body, this CASIO bitterness the monk also calculate very hard spirit, summon up whole body top and bottom of the white saint only try very hard to emanation, radiant get as if a sun.But that is purple burning but completely uninfluenced, like attach the Ju sort of bone, quiet quiet combustion.
Moreover three bitter monks are to frighten a to greatly jump, because 4 people each other real strenght approaches, if the CASIO can not resist this shot, oneself so also is most likely arrive unstoppable.
Three bitter monks respectively luck rise method door, momentary, jelly spirit, the saint only treat to cure Shu don't money threw in the past, there was even also a bitter monk to directly launch "absolute being it redeem" by together pure matchless saint dint, under the irradiation of high strength saint light, on the CASIO body of purple burning finally and gradually put out, unfortunately the fire of his life also equally and immediately put out.
Go to start to keep eventually, the foot of wood green mountain even the one steps haven't moved.
Chapter 2 Ru is originally evil
A bitter monk drive easily the shot kill, the Vatican for this is public to come to say, the stroke of mental level still wins the loss of fighting strength, Pope Kai the thou pull Si three a life times didn't use big bright treatment Shu this time, because he knows it in heart, two treatment Shus of bitter monks aren't definitely weak to lead their oneselfs how much, even they can not save of, oneself has to keep real strenght and face this strong enemy.
Silent read voodoo in Pope's adult, come together saint dint of at the same time, step under of wood green mountain also have no carefree, open arm, the spheroid air mass of a lavender appears Zhang at the double in the center, this regiment spirit form energy has a liking for to unsteady, the color and luster changes Huan not certain of at the same time, the center partially and unexpectedly has a just sproutlace of strange seed.
Willing really annoy to condense conglobation isn't difficult, use a remarkable talent catalyst the plant grow to also equally have many remarkable talents to make it, but put together this their knot and appear at the same time, be smelt don't smell, saw don't see.
Seed in the middle of really annoying the spirit that the Ning becomes to play continuously growth, but again always the Tu don't break the scope of air mass, and this regiment spirit form energy also along with the growth of seed, continuously extension.
The Vatican public none exception of be drawn on by this regiment thing, because this representative of not only is a regiment to annoy form energy, but is representing strength of creation, this is absolutely divine strength!
Look like endless, in fact and only used for three seconds, wood green mountain double the Zhang Be even to push, this regiment the peculiar energy pushed to go out forward, the small plant in the energy ball uncannily stops in mid air and refuted along with miscellaneous one regiment the energy of impurity to slowly float to come over to the various person of the Vatican.
No matter which angle it is have a liking for to go, this regiment strange things are different from to have to kill the recruit type of harming the dint and also Be different from is more similar than sorcery to curse Shu a type of outcome.A few saint palaces knight gleams towards seeing one eye, on saint of the battle armor of silver color only mutually, a few Cardinals hurriedly common Shi Fa, combine the attack dint of this a few saint palace knights in 1.From lead the way that knight to grow an ax to flick, the together robust and matchless saint light ax Dou spirit cuts to face a wood green mountain ground that regiment light ball cut to fall pass by.
Is two the energy of congeniality don't pound at at together!
Is very obvious, pure and unadulterated of Related articles:

